
  • Analytics Analyses

    In business activity every well managed company or corporation tries to measure, standardise and analyse as many things as possible. All this to figure out what should be improved to acquire even better results of sales, manufacturing or marketing departments.

  • AdWords Advertisements

    It is possible to have first positions in Google search engine. Difficulty of a keyword is irrelevant, and you do not need a lot of time. It is sufficient to properly select the form of advertising – AdWords campaign, also called sponsored link campaign.

  • Websites

    Nowadays, a website is an essential business card of every company in the Internet. There are less and less industries where it is not needed to present a company in the Internet. In the consequence of the possibility of directing an advertisement to a very local group of Internet users, in my opinion only newsagent’s stands or small community shops do not need their website. A new age and its new requirements came for technology of website design as well. Presently, every web page should be adapted to browsing on mobile devices, as a substantial group of telephone owners already use mobile Internet, not to mention continuously growing number of owners of tablets, netbooks or newest ultrabooks.

  • Optimisation

    It is significantly easier to adapt material content of a website where the main rule is to publish proper and valuable contents. It is much more difficult to optimise a website code to meet requirements of the key search engine, yet today it is vital for correct indexation of a domain on high positions of search results.

  • Social Networks

    Company profiles in social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or Google+ have recently become one of the basic tools of marketing communication. Their functions used in private relations began to be applied in business relations which in turn resulted in establishing an entire industry allowing to fully use the potential of social networks and combine it with a possibility of affecting search engine results and gaining website traffic from many various sources.

  • Mass email sending system

    Business database from 66 countries

    To complement marketing capabilities of our clients we propose purchase of a system enabling mass email sending. A perfect complement to this offer is kompass business database containing information about business entities from over 60 countries in the world. It has full data necessary from the point of view of conducting business activity, among others: size of company, number of employees, generated turnover, including share of export, list of management and precise information on products and services offered by a relevant company. Of course, almost 98% of companies have email addresses. It is a great tool for penetrating a foreign market or cooperating more closely in the Polish market.